My first best friend, Melanie. She befriended me when my family moved to the small town of McBain, MI near Cadillac. She lived just up the road from me. Her family became my family. Probably because I was always there and always going to church with them. We would play "Mickey" over and over and over and dance around her room. We would laugh and do things little girls do. And as we got older a few things we shouldn't have, too. As time went on, some STUPID elementary school thing happened, I don't even remember what, and we grew apart. The friendship grew again in high school but never quite what it was. But her and her family, especially her mom, hold a special place in my heart.
Then there is Becky. My Beck-Fly. I don't remember how the friendship started, it just was. All through school. I spent many nights at her house laughing and talking about things girls talk about. Sometimes we drifted apart but we came back together like nothing ever changed. We got ready for high school dances together. She was with me when I put my stepdads Blazer in a snow bank. Cheered and ran track together. I even stood up in her wedding. Then, life seemed to get in the way. That and I lived in Illinois and remember how I said I stunk at writing and keeping in touch. I blame myself for the distance that came between us, but we have come back together and stay in touch more. I know if I need her, all I need to do is ask.
Sara, I believe became my friend through Becky. I don't quite remember. But we spent a lot of time together in high school and even dated friends on two different occasions. She saw more tears than I care to remember. We went dancing together and she was the first to ever see me drunk and knows many of my secrets. And more times than I care to remember. We camped and travelled the back roads and went to concerts. She saw me through my biggest broken heart, when I thought my world was ending. Obviously, it didn't end. We travelled to see each other, with her in Michigan and me in Illinois. I must admit she made most of the trips. Then there was a DUMB falling out. We have since reconnected and I hope to go visit her in Wisconsin sometime in the semi-near future.
Ah, and Theresa! Another house I spent many nights at! And her mom made my prom dress, too. I helped her with her horse chores and we road them, too! This is where my true love of horses comes from. Even though, during one of those rides, I ended up on the side of the road, with the saddle on My Guys belly. That still makes me laugh. Theresa, was there for me during some really hard times. There with a ready ear, her shoulder and a hug, and something to eventually make me laugh. For as long as I could remember we passed notes in the halls, and hers were always folded in some new design. She was that friend I could be quiet with and be happy. Again, time and distance got in the way. But I will always love you, Theresa!
Oh, Jennifer! Jenny, Jenny, Jenny! A friendship that started in 7th grade, or there about and is still strong. Her family is my family. We camped on her grandparents property, tubed down the Clam River, went on church trips and so much more. I have laughed more with this woman than anyone else. I attended both of her brothers weddings. We went away, to Elgin, IL, to go to college together. We have been through many of life's ups and downs together. Stood up in each others weddings. Have daughters a month apart. She was there when my brother passed. And again a year later when my stepdad passed. And she was there the day my son had his port surgery. I walked into his hospital room, and surprise, she was just there. Because she is always there. And I love that God gave me her as my friend! I look forward to another 60 years of friendship!
Little Dawn. We met in Illinois, through friends, when we went to a Joe Diffy concert. Our common ground, of being from Michigan, helped that friendship grow. She picked me up after my second biggest heartbreak. We found mischief and laughter together. Dried each others tears. And even though she moved back to Michigan before me, she was here waiting, and just as excited as my family, when I moved back. And we picked up right where we left off. We always do, no matter how much time has passed. And I know that if ever I needed anything, all I need to do is ask. If she can't, she will find someone who can. Now, I am waiting for our coffee date!!

Aimee. We are bonded in the soul. We met via a relationship I was in that she ended up helping me get through. She was also my dance partner every Saturday. We weren't friends right off, but what we have now, even through the miles will NEVER be torn apart. I know she is there for me and I for her. Many times I have called and she listened and calmed my fears and heart. Again, we stood up in each others weddings. I am really needing an Aimee fix! Words cannot explain the friendship we have. It just is. And always will be.
Along came, Kerri. Scuba-Kerri. My twin. We were often asked if we were twins when we were together. Often we would laugh and say, "Yes, we are". I hated Kerri the first time I met her. She was my boyfriends ex. She was beautiful and I thought, "How do I compete with that?". Thankfully, Kerri, reached out to me and we met for drinks at a local bowling alley. And I knew then, that our friendship was meant to be. I just had to quit being stupid and insecure. We built a friendship through similarities, hardships, and lots of laughter. And even though she is Illinois and I in Michigan, that friendship, which is true, will always last through the test of time. These are the ladies that have been apart of my life for over 12 years. Each has played a role in who I am. It is hard to put into words, the true depth of these friendships. Sometimes, they just become a part of your soul. And to lose them would be like loosing a part of who you are.
I have other friends, some just as old and some newer. They have all touched my life in someway. Been there when I needed a friend or to laugh. In recent years, there has been Tracy, my first new friend after I moved back to Michigan. Barb, my unexpected former neighbor, who tried to kill me with her eyes the first time I met her. Gratefully, our friendship blossomed into so much more. Brandy, my sister-in-law. Auntie to my children. Friend to my heart! Erin, my first friend when I moved to Gobles, MI, who has been there for me and my kids, especially during this last year when crap hit the fan!! Jamie, whom I met through Erin and our kids. Another soul sister. God just meant it to be.
I am grateful to all those women in my life for our similarities that allow us to connect and our differences that allow me to grow. For the support given, even virtually, over the past few years when the crap storm rained on my parade and flooded my life. That strength you all praise me for having doesn't always come from with in. It comes from God, my family, and my friends who stand with me and let me know I am not alone. I thank you for the laughter, the tears, the hugs, the tissues, the mischief, and above all the love you have shown me.
PS- I could have written so much more about each of these phenomenal ladies but that would require me to write a novel and not just a blog.
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